Serbia in the Eurovision Song Contest 2011

Serbia will participate in the Eurovision Song Contest 2011 in Düsseldorf, Germany and will select their entry through a televised national final on February 26th , organized by Serbian broadcaster Radio-televizija Srbije (RTS).

On 19 January, RTS officialy announced that Kornelije Kovač and his two daughters Aleksandra Kovač and Kristina Kovač will each compose a song and present a singer, thus competing against each other. The Serbian national final is scheduled to be held on 26 February, and will be aired live on RTS1 from its studio in Belgrade. Serbia will compete in the first half of the first semi-final of the contest, on 10th  May in  Düsseldorf "Esprit Arena".

RTS will use the same selection process as in 2010. A SMS votes will decide which of the artist will be the Serbian representative.

Serbia debuted at the Eurovision Song Contest in 2007. Serbian debut entry as an independent nation, the ballad "Molitva" by Marija Šerifović, won the Eurovision Song Contest 2007, receiving 268 points. Thanks to this, we were the host of the 2008 contest in the Serbian capital of Belgrade. second Serbian entry, performed in Belgrade was written by past entrant for Serbia as part of Serbia and Montenegro and contest host Željko Joksimović. The song "Oro", an ethnic ballad, performed by Jelena Tomašević came 6th and received 160 points in the overall rankings. In 2009 Serbia selected Marko Kon and Milaan to represent them in the second semi-final on 14 May. The duo failed to qualify for the final for the first time in Serbia's history in the contest. In 2010 in Oslo, Serbia was represented by Milan Stankovic and finished on 13th place.

Previously it participated as part of Yugoslavia (both the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia from 1961 to 1991 and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1992) and Serbia and Montenegro (from 2004 to 2006).

broj komentara 1 pošalji komentar
(utorak, 22. feb 2011, 12:59) - anonymous [neregistrovani]

Bravo, na engleskom.
