Željko’s engagement in the film industry

Along with his career as a singer, Željko Joksimović has been constantly improving his standing as an author of film music.

The Serbian audience has recently had the opportunity to see the latest example of his creativity as a composer. : The latest movie by the director Zdravko Šotra "Šešir profesora Koste Vujića" ("The hat of professor Kosta Vujić") produced by "Kosutnjak film" has just started its life in movie theaters.

"I enjoyed a great deal creating the music for this movie. I was particularly inspired by the story, as well as by the epoch. The movie brings back to life the time and the events of the 1880's. I believe that this film sends a positive message and it reminds us of a completelydifferent system of values, unfortunately almost completely forgotten nowadays", Željko Joksimović said for the RTS internet portal.

Sold out cinemas during the first week of screening already indicate that the latest movie about the amazing professor and his gifted students will acquire cult status.

"I was trying to follow the emotions of the professor and his interaction with the students. I tried to use my music to support the story that suggests who and what, back then inspired such brilliant students, that later became academicians and reputed experts to leave their mark in their time. Many of those famous names still inspire new generations".

The film is based on the cult novel by Milovan Vitezović, preceded by the TV- drama with the same name made by RTS in the 1970s (the TV-drama had also inspired unprecedented interest of the audience in its genre).

"So far I usually worked on movie projects which depicted a certain epoch", Željko Joksimović explained. "For that reason writing the music for this film was easy, and I felt confident. From an author's point of view, I chose a solid music theme which I developed as I worked on this movie".

In his career, Željko Joksimović has composed music for theatre plays ("Mandagra" (Mandagra), "Ljubinko and Desanka" (Ljubinko i Desanka), "Slave to love" (Rob ljubavi(, "By foot" (Pešice), "I don't want to pay, I don't want to pay" (Neću da platim, neću da platim), as well as for TV shows ("Love, habit, panic" (Ljubav, navika, panika), "What we used to have once" (Ono naše što nekad bejaše), "Wounded eagle" (Ranjeni orao), "Her mother's sin" (Greh njene majke), "Budva, on the sea foam" (Budva, na pjenu od mora), "Jet-set" (Dzet set)). He is also the author of the score for the legendary movie "Ivko's name day" (Ivkova slava), as well as the latest "The hat of professor Kosta Vujić" (Šešir profesora Koste Vujića).

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