Blog by Zeljko Joksimovic: My fourth Eurosong mission (2)

Watching the RTS "Balkan Street" show in the company of my brother and Jelena Tomašević, I enjoyed for the umpteenth time, images of joy and euphoria of the Serbian delegation during the semifinals and finals in Istanbul in the 2004.

It was an indescribable, and I will remember that edition of ESC all my life.

I wish that as many Eurovision fans as possible would watch the clip again. It think that by re-watching it, all will better understand how my great Eurovision experience, is both a benefit and an obligation for me.

Bearing in mind all my previous rankings (to use sports terminology) - a second, a third and a sixth place, I guess that with time even the most skeptical ones will understand why I strive for a better Eurovision result than the ones I previously achieved.

Athletes and those who have experienced competing in something will surely understand.

I decided to set aside the burden of previous experiences and to prepare the song for Baku by turning to a completely new way of thinking, without drawing any parallels between "then and now."

I'm proud of the melody, I got what I had planned to create - a powerful song that I will be able to defend with all my strength, and proudly present Serbia to the Eurovision music audience.

The text is a process in itself. It is very important that the early nomination has given me the time I need, so that everything is evolving in almost ideal circumstances. Whether the song will become the new anthem of couples, lovers, abandoned ones or something completely different, I still can't reveal.

My Twitter fans know what I have been doing and where I have been in recent weeks - three concerts in Germany and a series of single ones in Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro...

It has been wonderful and only now that I have a couple of days to rest do I feel the accumulated tiredness.

I'd like to thank everyone for the wonderful reception - from Munich, Pforzheim and Düsseldorf, to Karlovac, Zagreb, Obrenovac and Skopje, where thanks to the fantastic audience (supposedly there were thirteen thousand of you) two and a half hours passed like a moment!

Also thanks to Kaliopi, Hari and Boris for their outstanding companionship and above all - for being on the same wavelength with me as usual.

Those concerts have been a refreshment, an adrenaline dose for the months of preparations that lie ahead.

It seems to me that it is important to successfully complete the current year, this being an excellent prerequisite for starting next year with more enthusiasm...

And my "2012 photo-finish" was just what one could wish for - counting down the last seconds of the old year together with thousands of people in a crowded square in Novi Pazar, and then a rerun of the New Year's eve with the audience and friends in Petrovac...

Just a day earlier I received a special award - international ESC fans voted my song "Lane Moje" best in the history of the contest!

And the brand new year has already come expecting us to mark on the calendar all the important and significant things we expect, plan, and are about to face.

I wish you all a happy 2012 - filled with many days of joy, love, success and contentment.

Sincerely yours,
Željko Joksimović

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