Blog by Zeljko Joksimovic: My fourth Eurosong mission

It's been exactly one month after the publication of the RTS choice. debates on Twitter and Facebook have simmered down, although the support e-mail still arrive from the world and all I'm still enjoying all that is happening.

I've already shared my feelings about it with the world, you know all...

I'll just add: Whatever the analysts may say, for me - this is my second time at Eurosong!

I feel like back in 2004 because this will be a similar situation "- I'm on stage, singing my song again."

That's precisely what means the most to me - inspiring, exciting, stimulating me, giving me an adrenaline rush and forcing me to do my best.!

The only wonderful difference is that on this occasion I'll have more time to prepare, to get everything ready... And that's very valuable.

With all that I'm dreaming about and all that is happening to me, I'm trying to keep up my daily routine exercising ("gym joys"), as well as to finish a new album, complete a concert season - with seven more concerts in five cities in the region before February 14th...

I'll use those opportunities to get some feedback from the fans, colleagues and experts I appreciate - regarding the Serbian song for ESC.

I've already created a melody (even when it was still in the "Na-na-na" phase, people from my team told me they liked it). Now we're setting it to words, and everything seems to be going in the right direction.

"European cellophane with the richest ingredients from this region" - I told in the first rush of excitement and pride in an RTS news program interview the day my nomination was announced.

And I haven't changed my mind. There will soon be an opportunity for you all to check whether I've succeeded.

I have only one goal in my head regarding the 2012 ESC.

And Marija Serifovic, like a good fairy - as if she had known, wished or sensed it - brought me a very useful little device on her return from Vienna just two days before the RTS announcement. It will certainly help me in preparing our Eurovision song.

The Serbian song for the 57th ESC will I believe, and let's all believe, dazzle everyone!

Sincerely yours,

Zeljko Joksimovic

број коментара 1 Пошаљи коментар
(уторак, 27. дец 2011, 15:44) - Veta [нерегистровани]

Unpatient ;)

I'm sure that the song and the album will be fantastic!I can't wait to hear your new songs and your song for eurovision!You always have my support ;) :)
Pozdrav iz Grčke:)